How to Support a Grieving Friend

How to Support a Grieving Friend

Regrettably, our culture does little to support and inform us around some of our most universally human experiences—grief and mourning are chief among them.  Many of our clients feel isolated in their loss because of well-intended but rather insensitive remarks friends and family have made to them about their loss.  It is not uncommon for survivors to hear such statements as, “Don’t worry, she’s in a better place,” or, “You just have to let it go and things will get better.”  These and other comments do little if anything to touch compassionately the extremely personal experience of grief.

One of the best gifts that can be offered to support a grieving friend is quiet and attentive listening.  This requires a certain kind of comfort with silence and emotional intensity.  But as difficult as it might seem at first, these skills can be learned.  Witnessing another’s feelings—whatever they may be—in a respectful and grounded way proves most useful in helping.  In addition, there are many other ways we can learn to help and positively influence a friend who is grieving that are based upon their individual needs and frame of mind.  Our seasoned staff can assist you in your sincere efforts to be a nurturing and loving friend during the most trying of times.